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The below steps would help you get a feel of Restel by running a demo server and test it with a pre-written excel file.

You can quick start by either:

  1. Cloning the git repository
  2. Downloading the required files from repo (without entire setup)

You can edit the sample sheet to play around with the tests being executed.

Cloning the git repository


Steps to follow


  1. Go to the root folder of the project and run make setup to install the dependencies for reporting in your machine.
  2. Start Jsonbox by running docker-compose up.
  3. To execute the test, go to the home folder and run, make demo-run.


  1. Refer Setup section on steps to manually setup JDK11 and allure.
  2. Start Jsonbox by running docker-compose up
  3. To execute the test, go to the home directory and run,
.\scripts\run.bat quickstart\jsonbox_test.xlsx


If docker-compose is not working for JsonBox, please refer to the instruction in jsonbox to have it up & running.

Downloading the required files from repo (without entire setup)


Steps to follow

  1. Download the Restel JAR and quickstart Excel file into a directory.
  2. Verify that Jsonbox is running.
  3. Execute the JAR, passing the test sheet as argument.
  4. Generate Allure report with the test result
  5. View the allure report in browser
  • *nix:

    java -jar restel-0.1-all.jar jsonbox_test.xlsx && \
    allure generate build/reports/allure-results -o build/reports/allure-report --clean && \
    allure open -p 37004 build/reports/allure-report
  • Windows Powershell:

    java -jar .\restel-0.1-all.jar .\jsonbox_test.xlsx && `
    allure generate .\build\reports\allure-results\ -o .\build\reports\allure-report\ --clean && `
    allure open -p 37004 .\build\reports\allure-report


Use the appropriate file path separator based on your OS. *nix uses forward slash / while Windows uses backward slash \.